Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Simple DIY Frame.

This is what a can of oop's paint can do for you! :) The frame started out an ugly greenish-gold, and after a couple coats of paint, the frame looks as good as new! After is on the left, obviously.

In other news, I'm obsessed with the song "Someone Like You" by Adele. I'm also obsessed with my dogs, still. They STILL are frantically running around the house getting into everything & destroying all of our things, but I still can't help but laugh at them. Does that make me a bad mother? I'd say so, but oh well. They're hilarious & cute. We've watched a couple movies in the last couple days I highly recommend: Hard Rain & Limitless. Limitless, more so. It was amazing, but yet so weird. I felt so compelled to watch the whole thing without even thinking about closing my eyes, even though I was so so very tired. Let's see, what else is new... I'm getting so entirely sick of customers saying they want me to make their bouquets, and then I never hear from them again... or the brides who message me saying they want to buy a ready-to-ship item & again, never hearing from them again. I won a couple $25.00 off coupons for Lane Bryant today, and I'm excited to use them on getting some new fall duds.

And I'll leave ya with a quote that I keep telling myself over & over & over again lately:

Life. is. what. you. make. it.

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